Gear Transport

Cruising Gear Transport Information

There will be a large box truck adjacent to the BYC parking lot for overland transportation of items that skippers may not want on the boat during the race to Halifax. We will have the following staffed hours for loading the trailer:  

2025 Hours TBD

The cost for the trip to Halifax in 2023 will be $400(US) with the understanding that for any extremely large loads we reserve the right to negotiate an increase.  All fees are to be paid at the registration desk in the BYC Yardarm. Because the loaded truck must cross an international border, there will be a minimally acceptable documentation set required before items can be put on the trailer. This will be very strictly enforced, as we won’t get any special leniency from the US or Canadian authorities. Forms will be available at the Registration Desk, which is also where the fees can be paid.

Given the lack of historic demand for the return to Marblehead, we have not scheduled a vehicle for the return.  If you need a return trip you will need to schedule it on your own.

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