
The 2025 pre-inspection process is as follows:

  1. Download and store the combined Offshore Special Regulations (Monohull OSR or Multihull OSR) (pdf) and Inspection Card.
  2. Print the last 5 pages only and have them available during inspection.
  3. Download and store the Deficiency Report (pdf).
  4. Print it and have it available during inspection.
  5. When you’re ready, arrange to have your boat pre-inspected by registering and scheduling an inspection with one of the inspectors listed below.     
  6. Prior to the time of the appointment have all of the documents and loose equipment arranged per the groupings in the Inspection Card. The inspectors are volunteering their time for your benefit, please respect them by having ALL items laid out for an efficient inspection.

The (Monohull OSR or Multihull OSR) and Inspection Card are combined into one document. The first 20 pages are the World Sailing OSR including changes specific to this race. The last 5 pages are the inspection card. By design, the Inspection Card is written in point form so it lacks the details of the full OSR, therefore the full OSR text takes precedence.

Note that on the Inspection Card the number in the left column not only refers to the applicable OSR, but it’s also a link to the full OSR text. Similarly, in the full OSR the regulation number is a link which returns you to the inspection card.

As race organizers we realize that the OSR is a complex document. We really do want to welcome you to the race so please contact [email protected] and we’ll help in every way we can.

The Deficiency Report is intended for minor indiscretions. For example, on some boats the crew provide their own PFDs and safety harnesses in which case these might not be aboard the boat during inspection. All items on the deficiency report are very likely to be checked at the post-race spot-check.

The Race Organizers will only accept a Deficiency Report submitted by an inspector who has been pre-authorised by the Race Organizers.


Under OSR 3.02.2 the keel and rudder need to be inspected by a qualified person. The Frequently asked Questions (FAQ) provides guidance on what qualifications are required.

Arranging your Inspection

Below is a list of inspectors that have volunteered to inspect boats local to their area. Please take into consideration the radius of travel from the home base of the inspector when reaching out to contact one of the inspectors.

If you have worked with a qualified inspector for an offshore race in the past and they are able to perform an inspection of your boat to make sure the boat meets MHOR requirements, please reach out to (TBD) to let us know and make sure your inspector can be contacted.


(coming soon)

Recognition of other offshore race inspections

In order to help expedite the inspection of boats the race committee has agreed to accept signed inspection certs from the previous year’s offshore races. These include:

  • Newport to Bermuda 2024
  • Marion to Bermuda 2025

We feel that this will help streamline the process for boats that are completing offshore races every year and who continuously maintain the OSR standards.

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